Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Crucible Final Response

The Crucible was quite interesting to read, and the fact that it actually really happened makes me wonder how smart some people where back then. But then again I kind of understood why some people where so naive  they wanted to believe that there was a reason, be it a supernatural reason, to why bad things happen to them. The people of Salem are puritans and thy are all strong believers in God and all that is good, so when something goes wrong the opposite of what they are told to trust and believe is the devil, witchcraft and supernatural events. Court trials are held, and simple illnesses of others are held against innocent victims. They're even blamed for things that have not happened. Without finding any specific evidence other than the stories of the witches' doings and supposed haunting, innocent people are hanged. Almost every character in the play is looked upon with suspicion by his or her neighbor.  The good people are punished while the evil succeed .The word crucible means to purify, and this is usually done with fire. The funny part is the fact that what is going on has nothing to do with purity . Instead it confuses and corrupts. The events in the play are similar to the events that occurred during the time of the McCarthy era, when McCarthy was pointing fingers to who he thought where communist with little or no prove. The play ended yet again with someone innocent being hanged and this time it was John Proctor. I didn't like the ending at all because I feel like there should be more and that’s not how its suppose to end good isn't suppose to lose but then I remember that it’s a true story and things don’t always happen the way we wish they would.

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