Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Act 2 Responds

It’s interesting to see how the scare of witches gave so much power to Abigail and a bunch of little girls. They have the power to say anyone's a witch for any reason and people would believe them, like how Abigail called Elizabeth a witch, and the same day Elizabeth was arrested. The thing that irks me is the fact that they don't think about other explanations to what might have happened, they just think everything has to do with witches. It’s what they want to believe so they believe it no matter what kind of evidence is presented to them. The people of Salem are just trying to find someone to put the blame on and that's the devils and witches. If Abigail did swallow that pin on purpose, which I think she did, proves that she will go to great lengths to get back at Elizabeth. I wonder what was going on in Abigail’s head. It’s like she thought that if Elizabeth was convict has a witch, then Elizabeth would be out of the picture and then she could get with Proctor, which just proves even more that she was delusional. I also find it funny how out of the entire commandments Proctor forgets adultery right after he had been arguing with Elizabeth about what happened with him and Abigail.

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