Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living?

There are different definitions to what an unexamined life is. To one person could mean just not paying attention and to someone else it could mean not doing something worthy with theirs life. I agree with Socrates to an extent, i wouldn't say that the Unexamined life isn't worth living, but i believe it isn't as worthy as a life that is lived to its fullest potential. For example some kids nowadays all they know is technology, they can’t live without their phone, computer or play station. When they are on their phones they never pay attention to what is going on around them, is that to say that their life isn't worth living because they are so fascinated with what is in front of them. It really isn't anyone’s place to say whether or not someone else life is worth living. To me an examined life is me knowing that I’m doing what I have to be doing but to someone else my life might seem to be unexamined because I don't pay attention to my surrounding, I'm one of those kids that is always looking at a computer screen or and my phone at the same time. Yeah my life at the moment might not be to others to be worth living but to me my life is definitely worth living. Inevitable it’s up to every individual as to what the unexamined life truly means to them. 

1 comment:

  1. I think that you're post had very good points. I agree that it shouldn't be up to someone else rather your life is worthy or being lived to its full potential. You defiantly made me realize that as long as someone is personally content with themselves and their life that's all that matters.
