Monday, April 8, 2013

Native American post

In my opinion the emblem of Native Americans are not offensive has people think it is. I think that people just put way to much emphasis on what teams are trying to portray when they have a Native American mascot. I feel when schools chose the mascots they do not chose it to be racist but to show the strength or the good parts of there school. People make it seem that schools pick there mascots to mock the native people but in my opinion the schools use the native symbols as something they are proud of and something they believe in.

Most people are stuck with the preconceived notion that there is only one definition of a mascot:an aggressive animal representing the schools fighting spirit. The truth is that it does not have to be an animal. Anything can be used to symbolize bravery, resistance and strength . This is why I believe that using the term "Indians" does not necessarily saying offensive. It is more of a show of admiration to the native Americans strength and resilience despite the hardships they have been through. So when people get hot headed about the fact that a school has an Indian or a name resembling that of an Indian name , they need to think about it before they go around wanting the name removed. I under that  some school used to use the symbols as mocking but then again not all schools are the same so when people think of them as all doing the same thing it's just barbaric.

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