Monday, December 15, 2014


This post is extremely late and I do apologize, because I know everyone is wondering who I'm thankful for. I am thankful for everybody in our class because without each and every one of you guys class wouldn't be as entertaining. Getting to better understand people’s politics, morals and way of thinking has been a pleasure. But the people I will be writing about in my post would have to be Adina, and Jacqueline. They aren’t just my classmates they are my lunch buddies. And if anyone comes to 6th lunch they would hear our table singing and just laughing because we have such awesome people in our table. Adina and Jacqueline are part of that wonderful group. Adina is funny, sweet, talented, caring, she laughs at my jokes so that’s a plus. She makes me feel like I’m actually funny. She is there if you need her and we have the same taste in people, like Jemila! Jacqueline is also caring, sweet, talented, and one of a kind, she is special. I just got to really know her this year and so thankful that we got to hang out more, because I got to meet a wonderful person with a gentle heart. I'm thankful for everybody but I’m truly thankful for the new friends I've made this year.

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