Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Into the Wild- Alone

I've watched the movie twice and both times I never understood why don’t get me wrong I understand why he wanted to go away and be away from society but seriously, was it worth dying for. Dying alone with the realization that true happiness comes when you're with people. Being alone sucks, there are times when of course alone time is great, but a prolonged amount of a long time isn't healthy. I'm too scared to be alone, I've only ever gone out and eaten by myself once and that was recently. I sat down alone and ate and i didn't like it, I didn't like being that person that is by themselves. So, in trying to put myself in Chris's shoe I absolutely cannot. I have no desire to get away from society and my family. While I might not always agree with both of those I don’t think I need to run away from them, or make a big scene just to prove something. Some people might be upset by what I have to say but I think Chris was just a spoil kid that wanted to rebel against his parents and he rebelled by running away and saying that, he did it because of society.  All he really wanted was for his parents to pay attention to him.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

We Still Haven't Figured This Out Yet

How is it that we still haven't figured out that, we can’t fix the whole world. Even if we could why don't we first start by fixing our things, before we decide to try and fix other peoples things. 
I don't understand why we still haven't figured out that in order for us to try and even remotely attempt to make a change we have to first make a change in the things we do. It’s my opinion that if everyone tried to first change their own life then the world would be much better place. I also don’t understand how we haven’t yet figured out that the way the educational system is set up is just bad. I realize that I have learned a lot more when I wasn’t stressed about getting an A or when I wasn’t trying to cram the next topic in my head. I seemed to retain more when I was interested, in the subject that I chose not one that I was mandated to take. It seems like as kids we have figured it all out, the solution to the educational system and it’s a great plan, but then we grow up and completely forget about trying to change it, and we subject our kids to the same system. When will we ever learn!!!!!