This is a question that thinking hard about it will make someone
slightly crazy. It’s quite simple actually. Think about it this way, first name
one thing that is known; to me I know that the shirt that i am wearing right
now is red. Second how do I know that it’s red, well because that what the
color red has always looked like that is the color that I was taught to
associate with red.
Trying to figure out what we know is simple because it has been taught to us. Since we were kids we have been taught many different things, that our parents know, and they learned it from what their parents know. And then I’m sure the question of how do the people in the beginning know what they know. Well I have an answer for that too, no one knows, and i don't really care.
Trying to answer that question is stupid because it doesn’t have an answer someone a long time ago decided that red would be red, that dark people would be called black and that things with four wheels will be called cars. Someone made that decision and because of that person or those people, we know what we now know. I think that the question of how do we know what we know, gets confused with how do we know that what we know is right. I don’t know if what I know is correct but I know how I know it because it’s been passed down. I know it because that’s what I’ve been told.
Trying to figure out what we know is simple because it has been taught to us. Since we were kids we have been taught many different things, that our parents know, and they learned it from what their parents know. And then I’m sure the question of how do the people in the beginning know what they know. Well I have an answer for that too, no one knows, and i don't really care.
Trying to answer that question is stupid because it doesn’t have an answer someone a long time ago decided that red would be red, that dark people would be called black and that things with four wheels will be called cars. Someone made that decision and because of that person or those people, we know what we now know. I think that the question of how do we know what we know, gets confused with how do we know that what we know is right. I don’t know if what I know is correct but I know how I know it because it’s been passed down. I know it because that’s what I’ve been told.