Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Oluwayemisi Ososami
English II H 7th
Due 9/21/12
1.       Voorhees, N. P. (2001, September). Gentrification in west town: Contested ground. Retrieved from http://www.uic.edu/cuppa/voorheesctr/Publications/Gentrification in West Town 2001.pdfthe conflicts with the race that where there already like the whites and the one that where coming in, African American and Latino minorities.

2.       Schrover, M. (5/04). Let.leidenuniv.nl. Retrieved from http://www.let.leidenuniv.nl/history/migration/chapter52.html Description of the movement, why they moved, where to, and where from.

3.       The north: 1800s to 1850s. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://sites.google.com/site/thenorthsite/early-immigration-in-the-u-s-1Different ethnic groups in the U.S, and reasons for migration.

4.       Grossman, J. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.lib.niu.edu/1996/iht329633.html  Migrating to Chicago has an African American.

5.       Krawczyk, J. [Web log message]. Retrieved from http://immigrationethnicity2009.wordpress.com/2009/09/21/migration-and-industrialisation-processes-that-shaped-chicago-and-its-surroundings/the migration from 1820s to the 1880, "the second great wave of migration in the USA".

6.       Immigration into the United States. (2011). Retrieved from http://www.genealogy.com/00000389.html the migration patterns in the United States and the biggest groups who came into the United States.

7.       Sandburg, Carl. The Chicago Race Riots. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Howe, 1919.The migration of Africans Americans and the effect.

8.       Thernstrom, A., & Thernstrom, S. (2002). Beyond the color line: New perspectives on race and ethnicity in America. Board of Trustees of Leland Stanford Junior University. Retrieved from http://media.hoover.org/sites/default/files/documents/0817998721_37.pdf the movement of immigrant groups.

9.       Warne, F. J. (1916). The tide of immigration. New York: Appleton and company. Retrieved from http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015054032449;seq=11;view=1up        Basic cause for migrating and the appeal of other country’s to emigrants

10.   "Root Causes of Migration - Fact Sheet anAge of Migration: Globalization and the Root Causes of Migration." An Age of Migration: Globalization and the Root Causes of Migration. One America, 2010. Print. http://www.weareoneamerica.org/root-causes-migration-fact-sheet                                                                                                                     A breakdown of the cause of different groups’ migration to different places.

11.   An Immigrant Nation: United States Regulation of Immigration, 1798-1991. [Washington, D.C.?]: U.S. Dept. of Justice, Immigration & Naturalization Service, 1991. The attempt at trying to make migrating legal by making laws.

12.   Cited: Jones, Maldwyn. American Immigration. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1960.                                                                                                                                                 Observation of john Maldwyn concerning the migration to the United States.

13.   Zechenter, Katarzyna. "Russians." n. page. Print. http://www.encyclopedia.chicagohistory.org/pages/1104.htmlRussian Migration into Chicago.

14.   Hrycak, Alexandra . "Ukrainians." n. page. Print. http://www.encyclopedia.chicagohistory.org/pages/1279.html

15.   Russian Immigrants. N.d. Photograph. Spartacus EducationWeb. 11 Oct 2012. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAErussia.htm                                                             Picture of immigrants

16.   Paral, Rob. "Chicago's Immigrants Break Old Patterns." n. page. Print. http://www.migrationinformation.org/usfocus/display.cfm?ID=160the statistics of the migration in urban Chicago.

17.   Paral, Rob. "The Polish Community in Metro Chicago a community profile of strengths and needs." (2004): n. page. Print. http://www.robparal.com/downloads/Polish Community in Chicago.pdf                                                                                                                              It describes the Polish American population I the metropolitan area.

18.   Jones, syd. "Polish Americans." n. page. Print. http://www.everyculture.com/multi/Pa-Sp/Polish-Americans.html                                                                                                                       Effects of Polish migration.

19.   Kaczmarczyk, pawel, and Marek Okolski. "Economic impacts of migration on Poland and Baltic states." n. page. Print. http://www.fafo.no/pub/rapp/10045/10045.pdf                      Economic impacts of migration on Poland.

20.   "Poland." n. page. Priant. http://focus-migration.hwwi.de/Poland.2810.0.html?&L=1  Statistics of Polish migration to different countries.

21.   Chastain, James. ""Great" Polish political Emigration (1831 - 1870)." (© 1997, 2004): n. page. Print. http://www.ohio.edu/chastain/dh/emigpol.htm  background information about things that where happening in the polish homeland.

22.   n. page. Print. http://public.wsu.edu/~peckham/photo/fa483/project/poland.htm the journey of a polish immigrant to America.

23.   "Polish Americans." http://www.answers.com/topic/polish-american early migration, community buildings and effects on the community, like religious and political affairs.

24.   Dr. Baker, Laura, Laura Storm, et al. "Immigrant Group Resource Guide, Southern and Eastern European Immigrants: The Greek and Polish Experience." n.pag. http://www.fitchburgstate.edu. Web. 12 Oct 2012. http://www.fitchburgstate.edu/uploads/files/TeachingAmericanHistory/GreekandPolishExperience.pdf

25.   Jones, Syd. "Polish Americans." Gale Encyclopedia of Multicultural America. 2000. Encyclopedia.com. 12 Oct. 2012 http://www.encyclopedia.com

26.   Woll, Kris. "Through The City, To These Fields: Eastern European Immigration ." . American Centuries. Web. 12 Oct 2012. http://www.americancenturies.mass.edu/classroom/curriculum_12th/unit3/lesson3/bkgdessay.html.  

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Community Song Post

"These Are My People"
 By:Rodney Atkins
Well we grew up down by the railroad tracks
Shootin' b.b.'s at old beer cans
Chokin' on the smoke from a lucky strike
Somebody lifted off of his old man
We were football flunkies
Southern rock junkies
Crankin' up the stereo
Singin' loud and proud to gimme three steps
Simple Man, and Curtis Lowe
We were good you know

We got some discount knowledge at the junior college
Where we majored in beer and girls
It was all real funny 'til we ran out of money
And they threw us out into the world
Yeah the kids that thought they'd run this town
Ain't runnin' much of anything
We're just lovin' and laughin'
And bustin' our asses
And we call it all livin' the dream


These are my people
This is where I come from
We're givin' this life everything we've got and then some
It ain't always pretty
But it's real
That's the way we were made
Wouldn't have it any other way
These are my people
Well we take it all week on the chin with a grin
Till we make it to a Friday night
And it's church league softball holler 'bout a bad call
Preacher breakin' up the fight
Then later on at the green light tavern
Well everybody's gatherin' as friends
And the beer is pourin' till Monday mornin'
Where we start all over again


We fall down and we get up
We walk proud and we talk tough
We got heart and we got nerve
Even if we are a bit disturbed


This song is talking about Rodney Atkins town and the people that are in this town, the community. The song speaks about his community,in his lyrics he says "We fall down and we get up We walk proud and we talk tough We got heart and we got nerve Even if we are a bit disturbed”, he is talking about how the town comes together to have fun, laugh and party together even with the problems that they may have. In the song he is talking about how he loves it there and how those are his people. He says that it isn’t always pretty, but they still get to gather and have fun together, he describes it has a happy place a fun place to be. From the way he describes the place it is rural because he talks about how the whole town is comes together and that usually only happens with small communities.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Community Post

I belong to cross country, my family and my churches choir. In cross country community we practiced outside in Skinner Park. It’s very narrow in my opinion and when where running we always bump together and it’s really hard to run in a group. We run around the whole Skinner Park and back, it’s only half a mile and we have to run a mile just to warm up. It seems hard which it is but you get used to it.
To be in cross country you have to give it 110%. If you're a quitter cross country isn't for you, you have to stick with it till the end and it is really worth it. To be accepted in to the team by the other girls you have to be a team player and you have to help out, you guys run together as a team no body is ever alone. in cross country there are three different teams A team B team and C team this are the different levels of how good you are has a runner. A group has to give it their all and more because they are the best and have to set the example for the B and C groups. They are the once that the whole teams look up to. B group is the group that is good but they just aren't quite there but they work just has hard has the A group. The B group is where you want to be after a month in cross country to show that you are improving. The C group are also hard workers, they try to make it up to B group that is everyone goal to get to B group and to keep going up. No one person has an individual role, we all work together to make the team better and to win. One person’s work is just has important has another person’s work. It’s a team effort, everyone pitches in to win.
This group is the most comfortable group to me because i feel safe there, i feel like i can go there when ever i want and because obviously i feel comfortable whenever i go there. This makes this a community because we all work together toward one goal and that is to do our best and win. This is my community because we help each other toward our goal, we also come together to make cross country better for the newer members and for the people that are already on cross country. We come together to make it a better and safer environment for people to come together.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Response to Crevecour

 Crevecoeur said “What then is the American, this new man? He is either a European, or the descendant of a European, hence that strange mixture of blood, which you will find in no other country." To me he is just saying that the only place where you will be able to find so many diverse people is in American and nowhere else. I think that Crevecoeur’s definitions still holds especially today with the mix of so many different races and the interracial couples and children that are around today. I think that soon enough in the future everyone will be close to the same race or exactly the same race, the reason I say so is because has time goes on we start to see races forming and mixing with each other that soon there will be only a few or one race. I do think that the immigrants from the eighteenth-century had the same goals has the immigrants today. The immigrants from the eighteenth-century came here for a better life and for a fresh start on life, and that is the same thing that immigrants today are looking for better life and a fresh start. They both had the same ideas that they could get a better future from America.
